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Installation JavaScript

Qsu requires Node.js 18.x or higher, and the repository is serviced through NPM.

Qsu is ESM-only. You must use import instead of require to load the module. There are workarounds available for CommonJS, but we recommend using ESM based on recent JavaScript trends.

After configuring the node environment, you can simply run the following command.

# via npm
$ npm install qsu

# via yarn
$ yarn add qsu

# via pnpm
$ pnpm install qsu

How to Use

Using named import (Multiple utilities in a single require) - Recommend

import { today, strCount } from 'qsu';

function main() {
	console.log(today()); // '20xx-xx-xx'
	console.log(strCount('123412341234', '1')); // 3

Using whole class (multiple utilities simultaneously with one object)

import _ from 'qsu';

function main() {
	console.log(; // '20xx-xx-xx'

Released under the MIT License